Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Work Out Log

I officially start next Monday on May 26. I will be using a fitness program called p90x and hopefully follow their 90 day strict exercise regimen which basically takes up 7 days of the week. I will also try and follow the diet they've included but by default, my diet will consist of something heavy in protein but low in fat in the morning, a lean sandwhich for lunch, and a good sized bowl of salad for dinner. In between meals I'll be eating fruits and such. But with all honesty, diet will be hard considering it is summer and I enjoy going out to eat. But most definitely, the exercise portion will be met. In addition to the exercise, I'll be commuting with a bicycle to not only save money on gas but also help shed pounds. Also, have you heard of Wii Fit? Well, it might be a novelty to lose weight with, I'll be purchasing it tomorrow to help me get off my butt when I'm home. Within this log I just created is the schedule of the work out program (it ends on August 17 so wish me luck!), but also pictures of my progress every 4 weeks. I'll decide when I'm done to post those pictures up. Haha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodluck cuz! If you can get through half of the program you will definitely see results. The diet is key, but don't go too extreme. You can eat junkfood but make sure not to get full when you do. In other words, keep it to a minimal.

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