Monday, May 11, 2009

Photoshoot: Kimiko and Liberty @ USF [Graduation Photos]

This shoot was for my two friends from USF [Nursing]. Since they asked me to take their photos, I had them return the favor by taking photos of me when they were waiting to be photographed.

This is one shot of the behind the scenes of us taking photos at Lone Mountain's study hall. It had to be my most quiet photoshoot ever since people were studying and I had to whisper directions to Kim and Lib.

We ended up using the same setting for the both of em and just tried to rush through since I felt bad we were filling the quiet hall with zoom noises, clicks, and flash recharging noises.

For the first half of my student nursing career, I hung out with these two the most. We studied for quizzes and tests most of the time until I slipped in my grade for one class so I'm a semester behind. =/ All good and congrats to my friends in the Summer 09 graduating class!

Photo of Lib at Study Hall.

Photo of Kimi taken at the School of Nursing building on campus.

Headshot of Kimi using natural light [and post processing].

Photo of Lib with the same set up as above.

Thanks you two for the shoot!

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