Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Publishing Class @ USF: Obama: "Change"

Photo of Barack Obama courtesy of AP via CNN.com
design by jj casas

For my Publishing Class at USF, we're currently learning how to use Adobe InDesign inconjuction with Adobe Photoshop and learning how to export using Adobe Acrobat Professional.

For today's class, our instructor had us do a political poster featuring either presidential candidate Obama or McCain. I chose accordingly and here's my poster for the class.

The image was taken down after a google search of "Obama". I knew that I wanted to use his main theme of "Change" so I decided to somehow portray that change.. the movement that has rocketed him to be the democratic nominee. I simply extracted his head and removed the black background from the original image--that also took out the backside of his head but it turned out fine. I applied the cutout filter in photoshop ensuring that detail was still intact and duplicated two times. For the two other layers "behind" the main image of Obama, I tinted it red and blue and turned down the opacity of the image so it would bleed in together.

To me, it's simple and his message is presented clearly.

I know there are many artists out there with their own renditions of their Obama posters and this got nothing on them.. hahah True talent out there being used to raise awareness. Nice.

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