All photos by Nicole VelazcoCredits:Talent: IQ (
Manager: Ro
Photographer: JJ Casas
1st Assistant: John Enriquez
2nd Assistant: Diane Ayson
Stylist: Jane Park
BTS Photographer: Nicole Velazco
BTS Videographer: Vinette Guiterrez
Location: San Jose, CA

After getting lost for a bit trying to find the location, we finally find IQ and the location.

Starting to unpack the car as I try to give Vinette (BTS videographer) directions to this area--probably not the best idea at the time when I'm terrible in directions already haha

The xB was packed to its fullest--besides the typical photo equipment there were props including a microscope and even dry ice!

Knowing that it was an indoor shoot, I decided to shoot tethered to my laptop since it can give a clear picture of what I'm shooting to Ro (manager) and Jane (stylist).

IQ and Ro were able to bring a table and had to make a last minute to get a white tablecloth [at the nearby Target].

Jane in the background designing the set as the food coloring is on standby.

A quick plug: the shirt I'm wearing is designed by my friend and director Patricio Ginelsa of
Kid Heroes Productions. I've learned a lot from him on his
sets of productions in terms of management, organization, and the importance of having a team present.

Jane adding the food coloring to the jars with dry ice.

Good thing I brought my football glove since Jane handled the dry ice for the shoot!

The endless black bags I've brought for the shoot--I should try getting brightly colored bags next time!

Reviewing initial photos...

Even though I have a ringflash, I've rarely used it as designed on camera axis.. and so it continues for this shoot as I used it for fill.

I believe I lost my ass somewhere.. hahah But I am putting to use my new Pelican case as I'm standing on it for extra height.

A good shot with a view of those present for the shoot looking on.

The treatment I prepared for both IQ and Ro after meeting up with them several weeks back.

A quick shot SOOC (straight out of camera) displayed on my macbook pro.

A take a quick break as I hand over my camera to Ro to see the images before we call it a day.

IQ is finally able to look at the images after enduring the flashes and pops.

As tradition, we take a family photo with everyone involved (left to right): Jane, Me, John, Diane, IQ (Talent), Ro, Vinette, and Nicole.

And following that tradition is to also give a funny face at the very end!
So thanks again to everyone involved in this shoot and definitely could not have done it with you all.
Now for a teaser pic (click to enlarge!):
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